View of lower Manhattan's buildings behind a bridge spanning a calm river. The Twin Towers stand tall above other buildings, reaching up to a clear blue sky.

Lower Manhattan around 8:30 a.m. on September 11, 2001. Photo by David Monderer.

September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World

This educational exhibition recounts the events of September 11, 2001, through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks. Told across 14  posters, this exhibition includes archival photographs and images of artifacts from the Museum’s permanent collection.

Poster page header reads September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World. Photograph below the header shows the skyline of lower Manhattan with the Twin Towers. Lower portion includes the logos of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World is a downloadable educational exhibition that presents the history of 9/11, its origins, and its ongoing implications. It explores the consequences of terrorism on individual lives and communities at the local, national, and international levels, and encourages critical thinking about the legacies of 9/11.

Twenty years after the attacks, with terrorism still a threat today, the events of 9/11 and its aftermath remind us that we may never be able to prevent all the actions of people intent on harming others, but we do have control over how we respond to such events. Whether by volunteering in our local communities, serving our nation in the military, caring for the sick, or through other efforts, all of us can help build the world in which we want to live. As we witness history unfolding in our own time, the ways we choose to respond—both large and small—can demonstrate the best of human nature after even the worst of days.

This 9/11 Memorial & Museum curated exhibition reflects the core pillars of commemoration, education, and inspiration observed during the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Registration & Eligibility

Librarians and educators are eligible to register to download this poster exhibition. Those who register will be able to access a recorded training session, which includes details on how to print and mount the posters and highlights the Museum's online educational resources to supplement the exhibition. Promotional materials are available as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about this downloadable educational exhibition. 

"So you need to understand, 9/11 didn't end at midnight or a year later....9/11 still goes on."
Sonia Agron, American Red Cross volunteer who worked near Ground Zero after 9/11

Support Provided By

Logo for the National Endowment for the Humanities

This poster exhibition has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities