ELEVEN in SEPTEMBER copertina.jpg
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[Italian] pp. 224 - euro 15 - 2011/2013 ilmiolibro.it - "My time is jammed - September 11, 2001 - and it is not restarted as it should be: it limps, stutters, stumbles, suffers long apneas, labors more than ever to crawl my heart over the obstacle of days getting shorter and heavier, restless and cereblal. The story has no need of me, I told myself, let the story telling, at least." - A report written as a novel, Eleven in September contains the true stories of survivors of the attack on the World Trade Center. We meet those who worked inside the towers, or nearby; those who by chance were downtown Manhattan that morning; or those who simply lived around the area and witnessed the events from the window of their house, in one of most beautiful and clear days that New York remembers. None of the protagonists of this book has lost a family member or loved one. All saved their own life, but perhaps because of this they feel theirs was just a tragic privilege. To collect their testimonies, an Italian woman on her first trip across the Atlantic arrives in her long loved and dreamed city and combines the wonder of the discovery with the personally unsettling, often poignant, recollections of what that day meant to a number of people, getting emotionally involved, searching for the meaning that event has had on her, her interviewees, the rest of us.