The midwife must have announced with glee
to your parents and community
that a baby boy was born in the family.....

A wave of happiness and cheer must have
overwhelmed everyone present that moment
tears of joy must have wet their garments

They must have gone on long tedious journeys
to beg for a son to carry on their family name
And distributed sweets at your advent with pride

Little did they know that this baby boy
would later have guns and bombs for toys
and only killing innocents would bring him joy

How we wish that your Mother would have known
that the Devil that she was sheltering in her womb
would one day emerge to build others tombs

Your mother did not know how her own flesh and blood
would perpetrate such heinous crimes and
that her milk would be put to shame so many times

I wish she had tripped and fallen to the ground
miscarried you so that the rest of the mothers
today would not have tears streaming down their faces

If only you were still-born the world would be a better place
No dead bodies strewn across railway tracks in disgrace
None would bear such unimaginable miseries

You are not a human being – just a mask that looks human
An animal can put you to shame
you cannot be God's creation - You are a Terrorist.

~Vinita Sinha Ganesh~

Details -

Millions of our innocent own lost to inexplicable acts of men. Unforgivable, unforgettable and heart wrenching.