(At the Military Academy, Dehradun, India)

It was a bright cold December
morn in Dehradun
The sun shone on the
Military Academy

nestled in the Shivaliks.
The Tricolour (flag) caught by
the breeze blew across the grey,
white and terracota facade of
the Chetwode Building as strains
of the bands wrote words on the
grains of sands

The historic drill square resounded
with steps of cadets as they
marched to the inspection line.
Impeccable in uniforms, their radiant
faces bubbling with enthusiasm
Hearts thumping in insane unison as
the bugles herald the moment of pride.

Young Men and Women march by with
an oath on their lips
They know they tread upon sacred ground
and that their souls would triumph
in the dust of their Motherland.

Future warriors with nerves of steel
They rejoice in the rare honor of
bearing arms in the defense of their land

They took birth to place their lives
at the altar of their Nation.
To bring honor and glory to an
Institution as they take THE FINAL STEP.

It was a bright, cold December Morn

in Dehradun................................

Vinita Sinha Ganesh

Details -

The Armed Forces of any Country are responsible for its safety and security. They combat terrorism and ensure that their countrymen are able to live in a secure environment. A lot of people encourage their sons and daughters to join the security forces and make the supreme sacrifice for their Motherland. These women and men in uniform lead exemplary lives and devote themselves to the cause of peace in this world.