What took years to build, crumbled in a few hours....

No one really knew what Al-Qaeda meant, before September 11th....
Or were we just simply not paying attention..
The total number of dreams lost that day- I can only fathom.

The Total number of individuals that lost their lives that day - 2,982.
Now multiply that number, to each family member that
saw the twin towers collapsed.
We all died inside, we all lost someone on 9 / 11.
Some died physically, some died mentally, some died emotionally,
We all have scars, that left all of us asking why....

I remember exactly where I was, "ParkWest" high..
sitting in my classroom waiting for the bell to ring.
It was first period, History class..
The Great Depression mixed with The battle of the South.
Slowly drifting into asleep, learning about history.
not knowing we were making history.
History in the making at 8:45AM, just before the Period ended.
We all rushed into the hallway creating a stampede;
We were all excited, that the first Period has ended.

Not knowing the first Period has ended;
History was made at 8:45AM, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower..
At 9:03AM, Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower,
At 9:43AM, Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon,
At 10:05AM, the South Tower collapsed,
At 10:10AM, Flight 93, crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
And at 10:28AM, the North Tower collapsed.
Tectonic plate started moving; the vibration of Manhattan,
we all felt it, some heard it..
The nation watched it...
Cell phones and beeper started ringing at the same time...
We all thought the world was ending.

Teachers were moving franticly...
Everyone stop what they were doing,
the PA system was always noisy, but today it was clear.
"everyone please return to your classrooms and wait for further instructions."
Parents were calling students, students were calling parents...
Students were crying, not knowing...
The Principal on the PA system once again; The World Trade Center has been hit...
I swear, If windows and rooftops could speak, they would tell stories about that day.

For the individuals that went to work on time,
For the ones that got there just in time,
For the ones that were on their coffee break,
For the ones that arrive a minute or an hour late,

For the ones that called out sick on that day,
For the ones that were on vacation,
For the ones that were in the building,
working diligently trying to provide for their families.
For the ones that jumped out of the windows, hoping that God will rescue them.
For those individual who had a fight that night, who forgot to say, "I love you or I'm sorry or please forgive me for my mistakes."
For that husband or wife or child; who have to live this life, with a constant reminder that airplanes can be deadly.

For those individuals that were on the plane.
For those individuals that ignored their seat-belts sign,
For those pilot that lost their lives,
For those individuals that over slept or got stuck in traffic and missed their flight...
For those spectators, who had to Indore such a site..
For those spectators, that express kindness above everything.
For those spectators, who ran towards the chaos, giving their lives..
All of your names and dreams are memorialized at the memorial site.
We have rebuild with you in mind; like cave-man, we hammered your names into stones.

To the First responders; MTA workers, Police officers, Firefighter, Soldiers & Civilians.
To the First responders; rich, middle class or poor...
To the First responders; of different religions....
To the First responders; Caucasians, African-Americans, Asians, Mexicans, Hispanics, islamics, Albanians, Muslims, Irish, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and many more..

We thank you...
For giving your life, that is the ultimate sacrifice....
From the depths of our hearts, we thank you.

By: Leon Labastide

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