On the 15th Anniversary of 9-11

I wonder about these people,
where they are now,
the survivors of 9-11.

Male or female, black or white,
young or old,
I wonder.

I think about the ones who were delayed
to work that morning. Are they late
to everything now? Unable to shake
the habit that saved them.

And what about the ones who decided
to escort a child to her first day of kindergarten.
Have they gone back to school to unlearn
the horrific things they did not see that day?

Or perhaps they stayed home with a summer flu
or a parched throat. Are they still mute?
Afraid to claim their unspeakable luck.

I wonder about the survivors of 9-11.
Did they muster the courage to continue?
I want to know what they have done
with their lives and the gift of 15 more years.

Have they taken their spouse on the promised
trip to Paris? Have they made their contribution
to the refugees of Syria? Have they written
their secrets in someone else’s hand.

I want to know their stories.
We need to hear these stories
and relearn the language of hope.

- Susan Marc Lawley, The Calligraphy of Courage, publication expe

Details -

Poem musing on what the survivors of 9-11 have done in the 15 years since the attach