Beneath the dust and charred remains
lies the hearts of innocence slain,
Beyond the roar of the rushing wind
lies the remnant of our fallen friends.

Through our tears we see the despair
burning our hearts beyond compare,
the days and months will drift by
but the memory of September 11 will never die,

You will never be forgotten, nor will we rest
until we find the truth for your loved ones left,
We will join as one to protect and defend
our soldiers are ready to fight until the end,

A terrorist has struck our beautiful land
this Nation will unite and take a stand,
America cries for the ones we have lost
She will defend freedom at any cost,

Let us come near and join hands
as we struggle to bear and understand
for though this Valley before us is long
with prayer we will heal and become strong.

The Leaves have fallen and they cover the ground
let us take a moment to hear their silent sound,
The Earth shall bury our comrades, our friends
We will remember them - our fellow Americans.

Mark Stumpff

Details -

Poem about the 9/11 terrorist attack.