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This painting, entitled “A Shift from the Mundane into Chaos" was done by my late mother in response to a request in 2002 from Community School of Music and Arts in Ithaca NY for local artists’ impressions of the attack. She saw the ordinary daily habit of eating a meal at one’s desk, as represented by the Chinese restaurant containers, imposed on the tragic image of that day. It is a framed, 30”X35” oil on canvas painting. Also posted here is a copy of the requesting document. She, as most of us, was deeply saddened by the attacks. Sadly, my mom died in 2014 at age 62. She left a hole in our hearts and our family that remains.

Yvonne was born in Manhattan on October 11, 1951 to John and Isabelle Odon. She had a finely developed aesthetic sense and infused everything she did with beauty. Despite illness, she lived her life fully and gracefully and was determined to remain engaged in what she loved, painting when possible and welcoming friends and family into her lovely home. Yvonne's appreciation of her extended community of family and friends grew as she was lovingly supported by so many, in so many ways.

She knew she wanted to be an artist when she was still a toddler. She recalled sitting on the floor of her family home, mesmerized by library art books that were almost too heavy for her to pick up. As a teenager she began her artistic and spiritual quest in earnest. Yvonne studied art at SUNY Cortland and Syracuse University, taught art at South Seneca Elementary School for more than twenty years and when not teaching found time to pursue her own love of painting. She was a well-respected member of State of the Art Gallery and showed her work in many other venues in upstate New York.

She was deeply inspired by light and the color and form of nature. Working primarily in oil, she produced beautifully subtle still lifes and landscapes. She also experimented with other media to express her strong political and philosophic ideas.

I am dedicating donation of this painting in honor of my very dear friend Special Agent Melissa S. Morrow. For her constant dedication, Courage, sacrifice and service. Melissa is a hero and also for her good friend and former coworker SA Wesley Yoo who is also a hero. Melissa and Wesley were both 9/11 first responders at the Pentagon. They worked side by side at the evidence warehouse, pulling 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week for approximately 10 weeks in deplorable conditions. Sadly, Melissa and Wesley both developed rare cancers that may have been a result of their recovery efforts. Wesley passed away Oct 11th, 2015 and Melissa is now fighting for her life. God bless and thank you both for your service and sacrifices that you have made for our country.