Pain in America (the beginning) ©

America, i prayed intensely last night;
“God grant us the persistence to champion the right.
Terror cracked its whip much deeper this time;
So we toughen our resolve on terrorists’ crime.”
September 11, 2001
i would enlist to suffer a long torturous death;
To stop thousands from dying in a moment’s breath.
Unbearable images echoes across billions of TV screens;
Words are impossible to express these nightmarish scenes.
Oh America, oh glory, they have inflicted unnatural pain;
Desecrating our precious soil, severing a vital vein.
The “giant” being slumber angrily awakened by hate;
Won’t allow its vengeance a chance to negotiate.
As a nation, we stand united as never before;
And, “justice will be delivered,” this our leader swore.
Around the globe masses wept; sharing our grief;
While our enemies skipped about displaying their relief.
It’s unbecoming to petition the true God above;
“Bless us when we shelve your commandment, love.”

Pain in America (the pain) ©

Yet, we can’t forget each episode, a barbaric act;
How four planes exploded, murdering all on impact.
How innocence became targets like in Oklahoma City;
How doom was chosen as victor rather than pity.
How police, firemen, medics sped towards smoking fire;
How passengers fought fanatics, ‘twas gallantry to admire.
How evil presented itself, personified that clear day;
How vulnerable Americans were for wild animals to prey.
How towering twins crumbled confusing concrete, steel, and ash;
How ordinary citizens sprang forward in a flash.
How women lost dear husbands; men lost cherished wives;
How children absorbed the emptiness in their lives.
How a survivor rescued a pal, “man’s best friend;”
How this hole in American hearts needs to mend?
How flags half flown from “sea to shining sea;”
How our song was sung, “sweet land of liberty.”
How 9-1-1 has been inscribed for generations to view;
How the “attack on America” won’t become undo.
America, i prayed intensely; last night i cried;
“dear God, strengthen our nation, remember all who died.
By; bernard joyner
Composed; 9.28.01

Details -

This is a poem that I wrote shortly after the terrorists' attack on September 11, 2001. I was so inspire to do so because the pain that it caused billions of people including myself. That pain continues to plague me to this very day. I dedicate this poem to victims and survivors of that horrible day.