No Birds Sing Here
- no birds sing here
- at the memorial for the North Tower
- roses adorn it
- red roses in loving remembrance
- white roses for birthdays that can never be
- both placed by those determined to not forget the lost ones
- small American flags, sad sentinels flutter in the breeze
- the flag has never looked so beautiful to me
- his name found
- engraved eternally amongst the so many
- when I ran my fingers across it
- I was overcome by his presence
- His pain, his anguish
- “I’m still here!”
- from overhead, I hear his desperate cries for help
- I look upwards and the north tower appears
- a menacing ghost belching fire and smoke
- he’s still up there!
- trapped
- frantically searching for a way off the beast
- and a way back
- to his family that needs him so much
- and whom he cannot bear the thought of leaving
- “this can’t happen!”
- and the birds
- can still sense the lost ones’ presence
- feel their pain, their anguish
- this is why
- no birds sing here

Details -

This poem was written after visiting the North Tower Memorial. My friend David Barkway lost his life there. I strongly felt David's presence there. I believe, he tried to communicate to me. What he said, saddened and shook me to my very core. This is my attempt at trying to articulate what David communicated to me at what I felt and observed in that moment.