Yellow Sky over Manhattan
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I grew up in the nyc area.  I have three NYC firemen in my immediate family: my father is a retired captain in Brooklyn; one brother is a captain in Manhattan, and the other a fireman in Manhattan.  I am no different than any other sane American feeling all the heartbreak and anguish that came from this mass murder.  I also attended wakes and memorials, mostly out of honor for my father and brother who had many friends murdered by the terrorists by this cowardly act.  Many lives were saved too which also needs to be remembered.  It was a heroic time for all NYC emergency personal and Con Edison though this tragic period.  Con Edison lost first responder Richard Morgan and responded immediately restoring energy service with the loss of two substations, in time rebuilding the damaged infrastructure.     I later volunteered service as a host at the 9-11 memorial/ museum through my job with Con Edison and really enjoyed seeing people from all over visit us and support us.

 I was always intrigued by the twin towers.  As an adult I brought visiting friends there on more than one occasion.  Photography was always a past-time of mine.  On several occasions I got nice pics of the towers and old city line using my old manually operated film camera.  I still get great pictures with that camera which I have the option to paint later.  Originally I wasn't a fan of painting photographs however I no longer feel that way since there is plenty of room for the creative spirit.

Oil painting has been a great release for me.  I enjoy abstract to outdoor stuff.  This was more technical at first but very important to me because I wanted to contribute.    I wanted a good untainted beautiful vision of this place in human history on canvas for people to see and remember.  This is my statement.  History will not remember the cowards who justified taking innocent lives. These buildings along with the rich human element so closely integrated with their structure will always be remembered fondly.  Kids not born yet should know those buildings and they will be in tales whether true or exaggerated, many untold.  I always loved the twin towers just as I love the Catskills and I feel people also need to see them as they were, not only burning which is victory for the terrorists.  I want serenity for people.  Peace.

I am also happy to see the new buildings.   I will eventually do another oil painting showing the present, since that would be the natural progression.  This painting is based on a pic I took with the camera I mentioned above from a friends boat in 1995.  We were transferring his boat from Seaford,  Long Island up and around to College Point Queens and it was quite a day.  This view is from between the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges. The bridge in the forefront is the Manhattan Bridge.  The second painting is from a pic taken the same day within a half hour only from the Staten Island side.  

 Thank you.  

 Joe Watts

Graphite, wood bars, gesso, Oil Paint