Details -

I wrote the song “We’ll Always Remember 9/11” on the 10  year anniversary of that tragic event.  I wrote it based off of interviews I had heard with survivors.  The interviews were very impactful for me as I listened to the survivors recount the details of what had happened on that day, and I always remember one person saying, “Those on the outside only saw the bad, but those of us on the inside experienced the good.”  And though it was hard to see at the time, there was good that happened on that day, and God was there.   I also remember so many of them saying that they hoped that people never forget that day…  and that was so unimaginable to me.  Because how could we EVER forget that day?   I know it is something I will remember for the rest of my life.  And so, I wrote this song - “We’ll Always Remember 9/11” in hopes that those on the inside will know that those of us on the outside, will ALWAYS REMEMBER 9/11.

This is “We’ll Always Remember 9/11”