A bunch of sunflowers rest on the 9/11 Memorial, which is cast in a shimery yellow and blue light. Two American flags rest alongside it.
Photo by Jin S. Lee

Plan Your Own Observance

Help us fulfill our collective promise to never forget: get involved throughout the year or plan your own 9/11 observance. 

On the Anniversary: Moments of Silence

Observe a moment of silence on September 11 at any or all of the following times marking key moments on 9/11. Every year, the moments below are observed as part of the official 9/11 anniversary commemoration ceremony held at the World Trade Center for victims’ families.

  • 8:46 a.m.: Hijackers deliberately crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into floors 93 through 99 of the North Tower.
  • 9:03 a.m.: Hijackers deliberately crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into floors 77 through 85 of the South Tower.
  • 9:37 a.m.: Hijackers deliberately crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, near Washington, D.C.
  • 9:59 a.m.: The South Tower collapsed.
  • 10:03 a.m.: After learning of the other attacks, passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 launched a counterattack on hijackers aboard their plane to try to seize control of the aircraft. In response, the hijackers crashed the plane into an empty field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  • 10:28 a.m.: The North Tower collapsed, leaving the 16-acre World Trade Center site in ruins and collateral damage affecting all adjacent properties and streets. The rescue effort commenced immediately.

On the Anniversary: Bell Tolling

Toll bells on September 11 at 8:46 a.m., the beginning of the attacks, or at each of the times listed above.

On the Anniversary: Reading of Names

The names of the men, women, and children killed as a result of the 9/11 attacks have been read aloud at the official 9/11 anniversary commemoration in New York City every year. This list of names inscribed on the 9/11 Memorial includes all those killed in the 9/11 attacks and the six individuals killed in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

The 9/11 Memorial Guide allows users to select specific victim names or groups of names, including names of individuals from a certain town or state, a specific company, or first-responder agency.

On the Anniversary: Lower Flags in Remembrance

Lower flags to half-staff on the anniversary of 9/11. Flags may be lowered at 8:46 a.m. to mark the moment when Flight 11 struck the North Tower.

On the Anniversary: Talk to Children About Terrorism

Terrorist attacks and acts of extreme violence around the world evoke strong emotions and questions in all of us. Anniversaries of terrorist attacks and moments of commemoration often prompt these difficult emotions and questions for children as well. We have prepared tips as broad guidelines to help parents and caregivers navigate talking to children about terrorism and other mass casualty events.

Year-Round: Join Our Visionary Network

Our Visionary Network brings people between the ages of 21 and 45 together through acts of advocacy, commemoration, and engagement to deepen their connection to the Memorial & Museum and ensure that  future generations remember 9/11 and its aftermath.

Year-Round: Community Memorial Beautification

Host a volunteer day to clean and restore a 9/11 memorial in your community.