A woman visits the In Memoriam exhibition. On the wall in front of her and to her right are 2,983 portrait photographs of the victims.
Photo by Dan Winters

In Memoriam

The memorial exhibition honors the 2,977 individuals killed as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the six individuals killed in the bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.

An interior look at the In Memoriam exhibition. Personal artifacts that belonged to victims are displayed on the walls of an inner chamber in which their profiles are projected. Some of the 2,983 portrait photographs of victims are on walls to the left and right of the chamber.
Photo by Jin S. Lee

About the Exhibition

Immediately conveying the enormity of loss, a floor-to-ceiling presentation of 2,983 portrait photographs surrounds visitors as they enter the gallery. These four walls present a true cross-section of humanity, ages 2 and a half to 85, from more than 90 nations, spanning the spectrum of ethnicities, socioeconomic sectors, and faith traditions.

The gallery’s inner chamber provides a more intimate space for remembrance. Profiles of victims are projected onto the walls of this room along with personal photographs and recorded remembrances left by family members, friends, and former colleagues.

The interactive touchscreen tables in the exhibition space are unavailable during the initial reopening period. However, visitors are still able to tour the exhibition following the one-way viewing experience.

In this interior look at the In Memoriam exhibition, a visitor standing in the foreground is looking at personal items that belonged to victims of the attacks that are on view in a display case.  Two other visitors linger over some of the 2,983 portrait photographs of victims are on walls to the left and right of the chamber.
Photo by Jin S. Lee

Objects on View

Artifact cases feature displays of recovered property and objects reflecting the interests and activities of the victims before their lives were cut short. New artifacts are displayed annually. This year, the commemorative objects on view reference individual victims’ hobbies, writings, or drawings.

Giraffe figurine belonging to Leonard Anthony White

Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of the White family in memory of our brother, Leonard Anthony White

Leonard White cherished going to the opera, exploring art galleries, and attending Broadway shows. Impressed by the elaborate giraffe costumes in a production of The Lion King, Leonard began collecting giraffe figurines. His family continues to collect giraffe-related memorabilia in his honor.

A giraffe figurine belonging to victim Leonard Anthony White.

Timeline drawn by Lisa Anne Frost at age 12

Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of Thomas Frost

In May 2001, Lisa Frost graduated summa cum laude from Boston University. She had been a dedicated student since childhood. Lisa’s father credits her sixth-grade teacher as a formative role model for Lisa. Lisa created this biographical timeline for that teacher’s class at Trabuco Mesa Elementary School in Orange County, California, when she was 12 years old. It documents milestones from her birth in 1978 to the start of the school year in 1990.

A timeline drawn by victim Lisa Anne Frost at age 12.

Mission to Remember: Acquiring Artifacts

As part of our mission to honor the victims of the September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993 terrorist attacks, the 9/11 Memorial Museum works with family members, close friends, and coworkers to collect artifacts and spoken remembrances that illustrate the lives, personalities, and passions of those who were killed.
In the video below, Executive Vice President of Collections and Chief Curator Jan Seidler Ramirez shares how her team collects objects for display in the Museum.

Video: Mission to Remember Series: Acquiring Artifacts

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